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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EST

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perceptions of washington's. public opposition leaders comes close to. raising fears of a second revolution. more
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twenty four hours a day. the black sea resort of sochi is marking a year until the start of the most exciting events for sport lovers and thrill seekers the winter olympics joint account started taking in eight major cities across the country. reports from. several meters wide awake nearly eight tons each of the color scheme of these funds is low but as you can imagine this block here in moscow is set just outside but where it is read was farther to the south ceremonies just like this or having it in a much bigger way president putin is meeting with the chief of the international olympic committee along with seven decent delegations representing countries participating in the olympics big celebrations down there and saatchi taking off
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today first stop with the bolshoi ice palace and then of course you guessed it a big iceberg formants with some of the leading the stars of russian figure skating and then the capital of the large fireworks display right now the hope is that russia will take home at least eleven a gold medal in the subject winter olympics and no doubt many experts are saying with felix being on home turf for russia it could just very well carry that off now organizers are saying that even though that this is not being spared whatsoever to organize these olympic games at the ticket prices will still be affordable for the average person if you were to give us a better idea of just what it takes if it can appear like i didn't get any areas of him out there either martin salem had information in the dossier to have us a better luck of what the state of sims a spy face so she's
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a limp the jury is coming together would continue surround the call but with a year to go things are shaping up with company in charge of construction has a simple message despite building everything from scratch russia will be ready for you. we plan to introduce all the facilities before the games start their training facilities are ready practically all of them opposed to test competitions all hotels in the olympic villages are in the final phases. instruction for being refurbished and furnished the show jewels to open in the also being able to complete construction long before the end of the year so personal can train and managers can gain experience in providing a good service but it cheating this goal has come at a staggering price hosting these games is costing around fifty billion dollars making them the most expensive elim pick history they cost ten times more than the last winter games in vancouver and ten billion dollars more than the beijing summer
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games however the results can already be seen they are impressive if you do take a quick look around you can see what money can buy at the center of the olympic park which is six pennies all within a stone's throw of each other to host the curling the skating and the ice hockey and this is the june in the crown the bolshoi i stay inside this bar hockey arena it's prestigious i'm ready for geese will stage the under eighteen world championships in april going to keep does an international event that will test the olympic venue before the games begin the slogan for thought you twenty fourteen is hot cool your top because the limbic park is them by their backs in case their i'm cold because all the alpine events or take place alone just forty kilometers away. it is a similar story to tell you not much was here before but there are also couture resorts has sprung up from nowhere to become the home of the biathlon and
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cross-country courses have also been created along with the ball play track and then there's something you can't fail to meet but if you make your way down the mountain will eventually come to hey one of the most dramatic sights at any winter olympics the ski jumping the larger ramp on the left hand side is for the men and the smaller one on the right is for the women he will be competing for the very first time in this event at an olympics next year. linking the so-called mountain in coastal costumes. no the. five hundred kilometers of am realigns have been late and they have transformed infrastructure the city mad believing the region will reap the benefits for years to come. our residents are aware of the conditions they have to face during changes especially. we certainly haven't any inconveniences because there's not a single street without renovation going on the roads are regular. which causes
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traffic jams all the time however the residents are aware that it's necessary for their future. so she has undergone huge change in just six years but the transformation complete and the black sea resort believes he can and will deliver a gangster remember this time next year and. now you are going to an angry congress president barack obama has agreed to hand over classified documents that she says justifies the policy of ordering targeted killings of suspected terrorists and us the makers have been demanding the files
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for years the president had staunchly refused most recently however some senators hinted they would block his nominee for a cia chief from taking office john brennan the man behind the u.s. drone program is to face the said his confirmation hearing on thursday that's all it is going to come reports his appointment might boyden horizons there because drone fleets. in the shadows know more drones are moving into the mainstream drone makers in the u.s. military pushing to defend the killing machine drones are more properly titled remotely piloted vehicles allow us to do is to project capability without projecting vulnerability in their revolutionizing were. allowing us to see and. from half a world away a major drone manufacturer lockheed martin has financed an hour long documentary on drones aired recently on u.s. public television counting the technological capabilities of the killing machine
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from trailers like this pilots of the predator and its larger cousin the reaper have killed thousands of individuals since two thousand and one using remotely piloted aircraft contrary to popular belief actually provides the greatest degree of ethical oversight for their use of this young man in pakistan he would probably disagree several of his family members died at the remote hands of a drone more than a thousand other civilians were reportedly killed by u.s. drone strikes in pakistan and yemen we find ourselves murdering people in many cases children with no evidence whatsoever that they're involved in any criminal or terrorist activity the numbers should not come as a surprise considering the broad definition the obama admin straight. gives this to who should be on their kill list the leaked memo uncredited the sasa nations on the u.s. justice department suggest the u.s. government can kill people even without evidence that they're actively plotting against america if you extend the logic or studio logic being proud by the white
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house now you come. live a few might say that we're in danger of going over we're getting very close to zero thought crimes that if somebody a u.s. citizen or otherwise is believed to be thinking something that could lead to actions against the united states then this illogical logic would present the idea that it would be ok for the president to order that that person be killed despite the u.n. raising concerns about the legality of the use of drones the u.s. is said to expand its remote control warfare setting up new drone bases across the world the latest announcement a new facility in asia where obama has redefined war there an intervention in libya he made the case that the war powers act in a pride because there is no risk to american soldiers and so under that rationale he can expand the global war while in his state of the union address claiming that
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we don't need perpetual war for peace but it is perpetual war when you can drop bombs on any country and then claim that it's not working john brennan often referred to as the architect of the administration's drone war how it's the new opportunities for the u.s. to wage wars without risking american lives there's another reason a targeted strikes can be a wise choice to strategic consequences that inevitably come with the use of force . as we have seen deploying large armies abroad won't always be our best offense all in all the u.s. now has around ten thousand drones in its fleet not all of them carry weapons of course a lot of them are for surveillance both domestic and international there's a great push both from the administration and the drone makers to pray. sent them as america's next best thing john brennan if confirmed will soon be at the helm of the cia and no one doubts that under him the program will expand even further the goal is pretty much clear to be able to control the world with
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a remote control in washington i'm going to. and in britain for your eyes only private messages sent between internet users could be decoded and monitored the government says it's to keep the country safe that's coming up. officials from two near zero ruling is this party have reportedly rejected the prime minister's plan to dissolve the government and hold new elections the p.m.'s decision comes after another wave of public fury and police fired tear gas at dozens of anger protesters in the capital tunis on wednesday after they attacked the offices of government party gun rest to a spark by the assassination of a key opposition leader made some claiming the authorities were responsible let's call him mr o'keefe and leaves the home minister is centuries you know home a storm. this could act as a calculus for more violence and war and. of course unity with the hope of the arab
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spring we don't live in an area where you have the arab street is so politicized that any small change of course you can create content and hatred within society and this is essentially conveyed to museum now where you have mass protests against the government we have many calls for the government to resign you have outraged public outrage against its affiliation which has been deemed has been committed by people who have close links with the government this is being denied that this is in government but this really shows that the arab spring has not necessarily been a force for change and good it has been a force for aggression it has led to more backward policy and it showed the muslim brotherhood they really. want to see what they are and what they have done essentially replace the regime which they have supposedly overthrown and they have continued the same the same regressive and negative policies which have been undertaken by the previous us. and today we want your views on that.
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at r.t. dot com where asking. how you see this playing out let's have a look at the results so far well as you can see a majority of those who've already voted think that tunisia will plunge into further unrest around. believe that the country will see a repeat of the arab spring and twenty two percent think that protesters will face a harsh response from the rest of the country have a feeling that the leadership is ready for political concessions. while to another country and dealt with unrest so the heaviest fighting in months has erupted in the syrian rebels are attempting to take control of a key approach to the city center facing heavy government resistance. willing to negotiate.
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its technology innovation. development for. the future.
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. more international news for you though the british government is considering using so-called black boxes to monitor private citizens internet use in the interests of safety move has been criticized as a pointless and privacy and the car deputy director of the big brother watch organization so the new measures would do nothing to capture those who pose a real security threat the u.k. government seems to think that it's necessary to monitor the communications of every person in great britain rather than actually looking for the people who are actually committing crimes that are going to drive those people further and further underground of the internet and they're only going to capture the the innocent and the incompetent as far as i'm concerned not by any means saying that communications data isn't important but when you have the director general of m i five talking
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about the evidence that was used to make this spill and calling it pretty horowitz assumptions that we've been made that the m i five obviously going to need this information and will react to this information if they're saying that this bill isn't based on fact it's based on fun see full. imitations of facts and this is why we need to go and have a very hard look at this bill get more evidence have a much further in-depth consultation to actually get the facts about what is needed and how it can be done. drinking away your flight fright may soon become illegal in russia the government is considering a crackdown on alcohol consumption on passenger planes after a series of. which even the most urgent. stories of. control the falklands within twenty years according to the country's foreign minister it claims it won't even need military action not tend to take the audience
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for me he. wants you to. use today. these are the images. today. syria's capital damascus has witnessed most intense clashes in months rebels attacked government forces trying to seize control of key approaches to the city center the fighting came despite an earlier offer by the opposition the rise to negotiate with the present ourselves differently the government could also be
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willing to talk that's according to its run foreign minister was quoted that. islamic summit however there are splits within the opposition that make stability unlikely even if they bring down ourselves as syria tribune editor in chief i mean . just i mean it's just like. the nicer ones did. come out actually. right even when they you. listed. that's it on its black list the not of defending it because they know they cannot control it. will not be because lucian is dreaming if the believe that they can control the groups are. singing and the most important part is that these are the princes and when if you feed people they are not full of the shows they are not the fighters for freedom they are just work princes and the coalition will only be able to do what its founder and main
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financing. entity ask them to do and if they don't do it and they will lose this financing support so they have to do this and simply have they don't know how to hold and they cannot because they are not united and they don't have the same view was there it's a big mess and yet the west would like to see this big mess filling the country. more international news in brief the leader of the says he's in talks with. us about forming a coalition government. says he's now laying the groundwork for presidential elections amass took control of the gaza strip in two thousand and seven winning an election for the sponsor conflicts with. it you can control the west bank. iran's supreme leader ayatollah khamenei has rejected u.s. offer of direct talks over its nuclear program it comes just
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a day off to washington tighten the economic sanctions on tehran and restricting cash from oil production u.s. vice president joe biden made the offer of one discussions today. the french defense minister says is the most so far. east of. any casualties more than the four thousand french soldiers in the country troops the government in paris says it wants to withdraw from next month but defense minister says the war has cost seventy million euros. and tens of thousands of students are expected to take to the streets across spain to their protests against education for the last two days have seen huge demonstrations with this day's expected to be the largest. countries that the patient has to to resign over drastic cuts estimated by the. many experts
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banks. coming out later because. of attentions to rein them in. georgia. i mean that's the question is it just. british people. i lied to you i tell you that i'm going to prosecute bankers i've never prosecuted bankers and bankers have their hands in my pockets i'm completely conflicted i take bribes i'm a liar my name is george osborne i lie i'm a liar my name is george osborne and i lie i'm a liar my name is george osborne and i live. coming your way all special reports on how video games can affect your state of mind that is.
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the mission of free cretaceous three guns for charges free. range month free. three stooges free. food free broadcast clothing video for your media projects a free video done to our teeth dot com. wealthy british style. time. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with my next concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kind of a report on our. live. they meet to kill each other online it's nothing personal just business.
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a whole industry has emerged to encourage gamers to take part in large tournaments money fame and even sponsorships await the cyber athletes who rise to the top. of already. market number of online gamers around nine million people in some two to three years there will be around fourteen million of them. from kiev so deeply immersed in online games that force is the only way to get him to pay attention to the world. for these people the real world is simply not enough so they bring the diversions of virtual reality into their real life. my wife maria. i deal with the weapons psychologists and psychiatrists argue whether or not the human mind can be affected by computer games and if so which part of the brain is responsible for the. virtual loss of.
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actions have a very negative impact on a person. this is the same in the cortex is responsible for developing addictions we don't know yet to what extent. zonen christina both twenty two met through online gaming during a tournament called point blank she played against sergei but couldn't beat him using a keyboard mouse but she managed to defeat him offline while he was in the game christina turned out to be stronger and. we started talking. time he always he had to. ensure law is. now
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christina is here with him at every place where sergey qualifies even though she is his most devoted fan she won't play on the same team as him. the same as working to get a thought and means well. then maybe needs that. captain of the russian team of the chiefs is taking part in the major battle of the year at point blank. for the final of the largest european cyber arena will see action between twelve teams of gamers. point blank is a post soviet cyber championship believed to be selected for the competition you need to be among the top three winners of the four online tournaments over the course of the year it started out with eight hundred teams that makes four thousand
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more years to rise to the top a professional cyber sportsman must train hard for sixteen hours a day. but if i have to play for six hours a day doing one in the same thing as if that were worth i do it and everybody will do it because we understand that this is the only way to victory. you can just sit around doing what you like expect to get first place all the time you have to sacrifice something. good money through gaming after receiving his bachelor's degree in long he decided to focus on the online game. his team has won tens of thousands of dollars in prize money and a car. professional gaming has opened up huge opportunities for sergei. but i didn't get married and have many kids same from the start but out. of. twenty five years ago so good gamers used to play these are.


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